- Appraisal Firm--How to Survive in the Competition after Its De-linkage Reform? 评估机构如何参与市场竞争?
- There, she helps him learn how to survive in the harsh, untamed wilderness. 一名少女将幸运带到沙漠,并教牠 生存之道。
- How to survive yellow jackets in the garden. 如何生存黄色夹克的园林。
- Astrid must learn how to survive in this new environment, according to the laws set in each home. 阿斯特里德必须学会如何遵守每个寄养家庭的规矩,在新的环境中生存下来。
- Quan said there were experts in South Africa with experience in teaching big cats born in captivity how to survive in the wild. 全莉女士还说,南非的专家在教导这些在笼子里出生的猫科动物在野外生存的方面,有着丰富的经验。
- The most important of all, you learned how to be a man.What you have learned or improved at Omeida help you to survive in the cutthroat society. 在欧美达的学习和锻炼,为你们在社会立足和发展奠定了好的基础,你们的人生因此而丰厚。
- But she soon discovers that the sickness is everywhere, and Mattie must learn quickly how to survive in a city turned frantic with disease. 玛蒂要如何对抗疾病,并勇敢地生存下去?
- Whether you are a casual card player or a casino pit boss, this invaluable DVD teaches you how to survive in the shark-infested waters of the gambling world. 你是否是一名偶然纸牌运动员或赌博娱乐场工头,这无价的DVD在赌博的世界的鲨鱼被骚扰的水域中教你如何生存。
- How to survive a recession or slow economy! 如何生存衰退或缓慢,经济!
- How to Survive in a Fire Accident 火灾逃生之法
- Do you know how to log in to the system? 你知道怎么登录进入这个系统吗?
- I want to know how to put this in French. 我想知道如何用法语来表达这件事。
- The challenge is not how to survive heartbreak but to learn from them. 你面临的挑战不是如何从心碎中解脱出来,而是如何从中吸取教训。
- She wrote in for advice on how to grow roses. 她写信来咨询玫瑰花的栽培方法。
- The chanllenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to leam from them. 困难的是如何从中吸取教训,而不是如何摆拖伤痛。
- Do you know how to greet people in Britain? Can you use their names and titles correctly? Say some British common names. 通过以上问题,切入如何用英语和别人打招呼,如何正确使用英语的称呼头衔和最基本的英语名字。
- Humans today are in great confusion about how to survive with nature. 今天的人类对于如何与大自然相处感到巨大的困惑。
- The first lesson in driving is how to start the car. 学驾驶汽车的第一课是启动。
- Our guides, Chris and Paul, showed us basic rafting techniques and how to survive the spill they seemed sure we would have. 我们的向导克里斯和保罗向我们示范了基本的乘木筏技巧以及万一从筏上落水后的求生方式,看起来他们认为我们肯定会落水。
- The huge bathhouses were outlawed in 1984, and gay men crowded into meeting rooms to hear the latest on how to survive. 庞大的浴室被取缔1984年和男同志挤在会议室听取最新的关于如何生存。